3 Downpayment Myths Debunked

When it comes to mortgage downpayments, there seems to be some confusion about how much you really need to put down on a new property. Let’s take a look at three common misconceptions.

1. The 20% Rule. If you were to ask the average person on the street about downpayments, the majority of them would say 20% is required. While 20% is a common guideline, it’s not necessarily the reality. In fact, there are a number of low downpayment programs available.

2. It Has to be ONLY my money. Gift funds are a great option. A gift may be provided by a spouse, child, or anyone related to the borrower. It must specify the dollar amount and an official gift letter is required stating that the funds were a gift and no repayment is expected.

3. First-time Homebuyers Only. While the industry has always encouraged first-time homebuyers, it’s a myth to think current and previous homeowners will be forced to submit 20% and not a penny less. I have worked with numerous clients over the years who have preferred a smaller downpayment so they can keep some money for repairs and additions to their new home.

Don’t be fooled by these misconceptions that have seeped into the general consciousness. There are more options for low downpayments than you may have imagined. If you or someone you know would like to explore the possibility of a low downpayment option, I can help. Call me at 617-965-1236.

Ready to buy a new home or refinance the one you own? Please get in touch and I’ll be happy to answer your questions and help guide you through the process. I look forward to speaking with you.